Sunday 16 June 2024

Club Champs Update No 6 - Sunday 16th June

A modest number of updates since last week, but significant ones in the overall standings.

Gillian Carr and Dorien Kimenai both took on the Edinburgh 7 Hills Race today with Gillian claiming 1st FV40 and winning a nice piece of Edinburgh rock for her efforts as well as 15 bonus podium points.

This means that we have join leaders in the champs now with Gillian Carr and Jen Misak both on 115 points, Carol Moss on 100 and Fee Hodgkiss is up to 4th on 85 having bagged some more Park Run points.

Scott Gourlay was the only other person to bag points this week again with some Park Run activity.

Next weekend we have Black Rock 5 (Friday) and Eildon Hill Race (Saturday). Then it's Earlston Black Hill Race the week after and followed by Moffat Gala Race (15km) and the Kelso 10k on Sat 13th (Note the date change to Saturday this year).

If you have any results to declare then =>

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