Yes, December has arrived and the first early season snows. The Peebles leg of the Borders XC series is behind us, so time to have a quick think about Moorfoot activities over the Christmas period....
A Night in the Pub...
...well not actually all night, but various club members and associates meeting up in the
Bridge Inn Peebles (aka 'the Trust') on Saturday 15-December at 8:00pm for a few beers and a blether, and possibly moving on to some other local hostelries over the course of the evening.
No lycra or singlets please....other than that no dress code....see you there.....
Boxing Day Runs....
Hopefully nothing to do with a dodgy turkey roast the day before....but the tradtional Moorfooters run up to the radio mast on Dunslair Heights. Approximately 7 miles and a big climb but run at a fairly slow speed and we will regroup at different points to keep everyone together, so dress for stop/start running.
Meet at the Gytes Sport Centre Peebles 0945 for a 1000 start - slight change this year in that we will descend into Glentress forest and get a hot drink and some cake at the
Glentress Peel cafe (1130) on the way home.
Fancy getting out, but the mast run sounds a bit extreme ?
Meet us at the Glentress Peel cafe at 1130 and run back with the group along the new cycle path afterwards
...or simply meet up and enjoy the 'hot drink and cake' bit...
Key an eye on the blogger nearer the time for any last minute updates.....