Monday 21 October 2024

World Sprint Triathlon Championship report by Mike Goddard

 World Triathlon Championships (Sprint distance) 2024

Torremolinos, Spain

17 October 2024

Mike Goddard’s Ramblings


This was my 9th world triathlon championship representing Great Britain in the age

group team, some Standard distance, some Sprint distance. I prefer and seem to do

better at the Sprint distance which is flat out the whole distance (hence racing at

threshold level) and is more technical (drafting allowed, transitions more important


This was also the first time I achieved the gold position and could claim to be ‘World

Champion’! And together with winning the European Championships in September,

this has been a bumper year. The closest in the past was 4th in 2012 at Aukland, New


The Race


My swim wave comprised some 100 swimmers of which around 30 were in my age

group. The conditions were challenging with a strong cross shore wind producing a

significant swell and difficult sighting of the buoys. The course was nearer 1000m

than the normal 750m of a sprint triathlon distance. I came out of the swim in 15 th

position and somewhere in the middle of the field. The sighting was difficult,

particularly on the outward leg with no sighting buoys for more than 400m and the

swell pushing us to the left of the optimum line. Breathing was every second stroke

due again to the side on direction of the swell. Felt a little stressed with the

challenging conditions but managed to settle down to a rhythm which got me through

this, my weakest discipline, without losing too much time.

Transition One

There was long run in from the swim to the bike in transition one, around 400m. This

suited me and with the second fastest transition I overtook several competitors. The

transition to bike went to plan with a rapid removal of my Yonda wet suit and rapid

bike mounting with the bike shoes pre-fixed to the cleats with rubber bands. Getting

the feet into the shoes while cycling could have been better though.


The 4th fastest bike time was good. The 2 lap course had one long hill and a number

of technical 180 degree turns. I only managed some sporadic drafting mostly on the

first lap. Lesson learnt here was to be in the middle of a pack, not at the back, since

if you fall off the back you will rarely be able to make up the lost distance. Felt good

but a little lacking bike fitness which can be improved.

Transition Two

Again second fastest with a good dismount and bare foot run into the transition area.

No problem finding the bike (among over 1000 bikes!) which was well marked with

my pink running shoes! Some fiddling with putting the shoes on since they are not

designed for the triathlon, however on balance a top of the range short course run

shoe (which mine are) will more than make up any lost time putting them on.


The run has been my strength in recent triathlons and this one was no different being

some 30 seconds to 3 minutes faster than the nearest rivals, and allowing me to

overtake all the remaining participants and finish the overall race in gold position.

However, I was not really aware of my position only that I was overtaking fellow

runners rapidly and this in itself generates the adrenaline! Slightly worrying was my

real exhaustion in the last km of the run and I felt I had nothing more to give. Luckily

and unknown to me I was already in the lead and could perhaps have relaxed a little!


To win a World Championship, especially after winning the European Championship

four weeks before, felt amazing. The competition is fierce and there is no easy win,

so to win both major championships in the same year felt really special, an almost

surreal and once in a lifetime achievement. There is major respect from fellow

competitors and the public at large but I don’t think many really realise just how

much work goes into it! I am lucky to have a superb team of coaches and


Thanks to Moorfoot Runners, especially our Seniors Coach, Gillian Carr, and runners

Dean, Pete, Alex, Jen, Tim, Carol and many more who have all had a massive

influence on my running fitness. This has been absolutely crucial in the above

results and it is not an exaggeration to say that being the fastest triathlon runner in

the world in the M75+ age group this year has been ‘the’ most important factor which

cements together all the other many aspects of a successful triathlete.

Thanks hugely also to Colin Hill of Ullswater Swim Place who has quickly recognised

that swimming is not my forte and identified that learning to relax in the water, as well

as swim technique at his endless pool and in Ullswater itself, are the keys to a

successful triathlon swim. I may never win a swim race but finishing without losing

too much time is important. Thank you Colin.

Crucial for any successful triathlete is to stay injury free and a major part of this for

me has been the weekly pilates with Ross Grieve. It is no coincidence that since

taking on the pilates with Ross some 2 years ago I have (touch wood!) not had any

injury, no not one, for those years, and prior to that I cannot remember such a length

of time in my 14 years of triathlon training when I have been injury free. So thank you

Ross for your skill and patience.

All triathletes, no matter their background, need a coach who can look at the bigger

picture. And Alan Cardwell of TriathlonworkX does that for me. He has known me

for most of the last 14 years, provides me with a weekly schedule, is an expert in

everything triathlon (particularly the bike), and puts up with my endless vicissitudes

of training and racing. Of course we may disagree at times (I am older but not

necessarily wiser) but he understands and we get on with it. Thank you Coach.

So that concludes my 58th triathlon in 14 years of competition and it is going to be

impossible to better it!

Club Champs Update No 18 - Monday 21st October


Congratulations to everyone who took part in Lilliesleaf 10k on Sunday. Looks like podium points go to David Carter-Brown (2nd M), Dean Carr (1st MV50), Carol Moss (1st FV5) and Coreen McGovern (3rd FV5). No takers for the Devil's Foot Half this year - clearly the lure of the Lilliesleaf soup proved too much!

So the overall standings have Carol Moss in the lead by 85 points, from Gillian Carr in second, who is 55 points clear of Coreen McGovern in 3rd. It is close after that though with David Carter-Brown, Jen Missal & Dean Carr all within touching distance of 3rd place. Special mention to Kerry Law for reaching the magic 125 point threshold this week - that's another piece of precious metal for the elves to hammer out!

Club Champs Spreadsheet

Just two events to go in the champs; Tinto Hill Race on 2nd Nov and the Glentress Trail races on 16th Nov. Last day of the champs is 17th Nov so Tweed Valley Ultra on 17th offers a potential 25 points bonus points (with an extra 10 available for anyone who is moving up a distance from their previous longest run) - just flagging that as it could be a close race for the final podium spot, or in case anyone is making a late effort for the magic 125 points.

As always, if there are any errors, omissions, park runs or anything else to declare then =>



Wednesday 16 October 2024

Club Champs Update No 17 - Wednesday 16th October


Firstly, well done to everyone who took part in last night's age-graded time trial & big thanks to Gillian and the team of marshalls, timekeepers and results calculators! For the seniors the podium points went to (1) Carol Moss (2) David Carter-Brown (3) Dean Carr.

So this leaves the Championship standings as Carol Moss in first place with a lead of 70 points from Gillian Carr, who herself has a 70 point lead over Coreen McGovern in third. It is very close after that with Jen Misak just 5 points behind, closely followed by David Carter-Brown and Dean Carr

Some quality bling (pictured) arrived a spreadsheet HQ last week and following last night's Time-Trial, we now have 13 folk who have reached the Club Champs Medal threshold.🏅😎 Who else is going to reach 125 points before the end of the Champs?

Full Club Champs

Sunday sees both Devil's Foot Half & 10k (entries open until this Friday evening) and Lilliesleaf 10k (online entries still open, plus entries on the day). After that there is Tinto on 2nd Nov for those who fancy a short sharp hill run and then the final race day is Glentress Half & 10k. The champs finish on Sunday 17th which gives time for anyone who wants to do the Tweed Valley Ultra to pick up some bonus.

As always, errors, omissions, Park Runs or any other events to declare =>


Monday 30 September 2024

Club Champs Update No 16 - Monday 30th September


Two Breweries

Congratulations to Oli Jepsen, Simon Hammond, Danny Lavin, Colin Williams, Thomas Jones, Craig Walling, Alex Bain, Dorien Kimenai & Mike Goddard who all managed to make it over the hills and complete the Two Breweries race on Saturday. Some impressive times all round on what is the toughest course in the Champs this year. Shout out to Mike Goddard who was the oldest finisher and first MV75, so some hard earned podium points there.

Beyond that, there has been a steady flow of Park Run activity as we approach the closing stages of this year's Champs.

Overall Standings

No change at the top of the leader board with Carol in the lead, Gillian in second and Coreen in third. It's close behind that with 10 folk now over the Champs Medal Threshold and a similar number within a race or two of passing that mark before the end of the champs.

Full Champs Spreadsheet

Next Up

The next race is The Great Scottish Half in Glasgow on Sunday, followed by the final Age Graded TT on Tuesday 15th Oct and then the choice of Lillesleaf 10k or Devil's Foot Half/10k on Sunday 20th. 

As always, errors, omissions, Park Runs and anything else to declare =>


Sunday 22 September 2024

Club Champs Update No 15 - Sunday 22nd September


The 22nd event in this year's Champs took place today with 5k, 10k and Half Marathon options on offer at The Wild Deer Trail event in Dalkeith.

In the half, Moorfoot Junior James Moore finished an impressive second and first male in a very quick 1:31:46. Super impressive on any course but given all the twists, turns, ups & downs that is a mighty fast time.

For the seniors Ian Munro had a great run picking up podium points for 3rd place in MV60, closely followed by Tim Warner with his canine companion. Jen Misak also started but wasn't feeling 100% so opted out of lap 2.

In the 10k there was a very strong Moorfoot performance with 4 Moorfoot finishers in what we believe were the top 8. The official results look a little wonky to some of us, and we think a tail end finisher in the 5k is currently showing as the ladies winner in the 10k!😖 The results have been appealed and I think after the "stewards enquiry" the results will show that Dean Carr finished 3rd (1st in MV50), Carol Moss was 4th (certainly 1st in FV60 and actually the First Lady minus the interloper), Martin Holt 7th and Gillian Carr 8th (1st in FV50). Coreen McGovern was 1st in FV50 and Scott Gourlay rounded up the Moorfoot team "just topping his points up"!😉
UPDATE: The results were amended as expected so Carol was indeed the winning lady and placings as above.

Aside from today's efforts, Carol Moss and Ian Munro were in action last weekend at the Sedfield Serpentine 10k with Carol winning FV60. Also David Carter-Brown had a great run at the Glencoe Marathon winning MV40.

There have been the usual selection of Park Runs etc - too numerous to mention.

So with seven events left to go in this year's Champs the standings are as follows:
Carol has a 50 point lead over Gillian in second and Coreen has overtaken Jen to move into third. David Carter-Brown has moved up significantly and is in Two Breweries action next weekend so there is still all to play for. Meanwhile the spreadsheet elves are off to work out how many Championship medals to order?😃

Full details in the link:

Next up it's The Two Breweries then the Great Scottish Half.

As always, if there any errors, omissions, Park Runs or anything else to declare then =>


Friday 13 September 2024

Club Champs Update No 14 - Friday 13th September


Well done to all those who braved a chilly Tuesday evening down at Tweedbank Track. Another amazing run from Carol Moss saw her post an age grading time of 93.00% and take maximum podium points. David Carter-Brown was fastest on the night and came second in the age grading, and the podium was completed by Neil Jackson in 3rd place for seniors (although great credit to his son David who was third in the age rankings but not eligible for Club Champs points). The other runners were Cameron Munro, Sarah Burthe, Dorien Kimenai, Andrew Fish, Sam Layton, Mark Newell and Scott Gourlay. Mark became the 54th person to register points in the Club Champs this year.

Thanks are due once again to Mike Goddard for organising and Kerry Law and Pete Caddick for timing and lap counting. 

Tuesday's points mean that in the overall standings Carol Moss now has 260 points and a lead of 45 points over Gillian Carr in second with Jen Misak in 3rd on 185.

There are 8 events still to go in this year's Champs with bonus points still available for additional runs of 10k, Half-marathon, marathon & ultras for those who've not bagged these. Also don't forget there are "Team Player" points for anyone who joins a club relay team.

Next up are the Wild Deer Events in Dalkeith Country Park on Sunday 22nd with 5k, 10k and Half Marathons all available. It looks like they are still taking entries.

As always, if there are any errors, ommissions or you have park runs or any other events to declare then =>


Tuesday 20 August 2024

Club Champs Update No 13 - Tuesday 20th August

[Notice the subliminal product placement for those yet to put their kit order in 😉] 

So limited action to report in the Champs this week and much of it already covered by Dean.

Carol Moss was first lady at the Abbotsford Trail race continuing her fantastic form to pick up another 15 bonus points and take her lead out to 25 points.

Coreen McGovern had a great run at the Scottish Half, also collecting 15 points for her efforts.

Ewan Gibson completed the challenging Borrowdale Half, to collect his extra 15 points.

Alex Bain (nee Campbell) is this week's highest climber though completing the Half Marathon Karusellen (near Bergen) and picking up bonus points for being 3rd lady, to boost her total by 20 points and close in on the magic 125 Club Champs Medal.

Latest standings are:

Club Champs Spreadsheet

Next up is the track time trial on 10th Sept (tbc whether it is 3k or 5k) then the Wild Deer Events on 22nd Sept and Two Breweries on 28th Sept.

As always, errors, omissions, Park Runs or any other results to declare =>
