The Annual General Meeting of the Moorfoot Runners is being held on Friday 29th March at the Eastgate Theatre, Peebles. Meeting at 7pm, with AGM proceedings commencing at 7.15pm prompt.
We have booked the downstairs room - the ‘dance studio’ (leotards and ballet shoes optional!). Please note that on the the same evening there is a live music show upstairs so the foyer may be fairly busy but the bar will be open will be serving drinks, teas/coffees.
We are also booking a table at Franco’s restaurant afterwards for 8:30pm, and this ensures the formal proceedings won’t drag on too long!
Club membership numbers this year are at record levels (over 100 in total) and have both an active senior and junior section.
We would really encourage everyone to attend, we are looking for some fresh faces to join the committee ( in any capacity) and would welcome input into how the club is run.
To help track numbers for both the AGM and the Franco’s meal could you sign up on the attached doodle poll link:-
If you could tick the appropriate boxes – eg: if planning to come to both AGM and Meal then click both boxes, if AGM only then just that box.
The AGM will cover:
1. Presidents Welcome
2. Treasurers report
3. Senior Section Highlights Report
4. Junior Section Highlights Report
5. Election of Committee
Committee Positions, and current holders:
President – Alan MacDonald 2018/19
Provides the vision, leadership and business planning skills to develop the club for the benefit of all. You will run the committee and be responsible for the liaison and cooperation between club officers.
Secretary – Colin Williams 2018/19
The main administrator for the club. Your remit is broad looking after the general running of the club but typically dealing with correspondence from Scottish Athletics and organising of Committee Meetings which occur about 5 times a year (including the AGM).
Treasurer – Eddie Balfour 2018/19
Responsible for looking after the club accounts and financial dealings. They report to the management committee. A club cannot function without handling money in an organised and ‘financially sound’ way, so this role within the club is a crucial one.
Junior Team Manager and Head Coach – Gregor Nicholson 2018/19
Responsible for managing the junior section of the club, including retaining and recruiting new athletes, setting programmes and overseeing training, pull togethering teams for competition and getting the most out of the athletes.
Senior Coordinator – Colin Williams 2018/19
Responsible for promoting the senior section of the club, raising the profile of club activities to members, and to prospective members / wider public, with the aim of boosting participation. Coordinator of weekly training, and weekend and social events on occasion.
Welfare Officer – Mike Pearson 2018/19
Providing leadership in the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults within the club and act as a key point of contact for anyone needing to support or guidance
General Committee Member(s) – providing non-specific support and assistance as and when opportunities arise. In the past this has been typically in relation to things like social events, website, providing wisdom etc, however the club is always eager for people assist the club in any way they feel able whether that is formally joining the Committee or simply contributing as and when.
In particular we are looking to fill the Welfare Officer and Secretary roles. Mike Pearson has held the post of Welfare Officer for many years and is keen to step down from the role. The Secretary has been held by Colin Williams for a number of years and in effect combined unofficially with the Senior Coordinator role so we are looking to split the role to spread the load. Please feel free to contact Colin ( if you want any more information on any of the roles.