Sunday, 8 January 2023

Masters Cross Country Championships 2023

 Hi Everyone,

The Scottish Masters Cross Country Championships 2023 is on the Sunday 5th February at Tollcross Park in Glasgow.

If you are a Vet runner (40+) and fancy running have a look at :

Its a great event and a chance to run at national level for your club against other clubs in Scotland.  

I think it would be good for the club profile and I'm looking to see if anyone is interested in completing.  To be eligible you must be a member of Scottish Athletics and the Moorfoot Runners must be your first claim club.

If you are not a member its easy to join and if you race in Scotland often its worthwhile as you get a discount on most race entries:

Entries must be declared by the 19th January.  If you are interested please get in touch with me (Dean) via Whatsapp, Facebook or by email deanocarr@aolDOTcom (replace DOT with . to avoid me getting spammed by Internet Bots) by Monday 16th January.

Many thanks


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