Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Winter Handicap Results - Nov17

Big thanks to all who turned out for the Tuesday night training group's Winter Handicap Night Race (headtorches) over the Green MTB trail (3.1Km) at the top of Jenny's Brae.

We had nine runners on the start line, being set off at various intervals based on handicaps derived from race performances during the year, plus a bit of 'guess work'....

First runner home was Iain Roberts, ahead of a fast finishing Alan Elder and Andy Gibson who was tearing through the field from a relative back marker position.

Thanks also to Pete for doing the starting, finishing and timing.

We'll try to schedule in another similar session in the early part of the new year.

Name Start Time Finish Time Gap to Runner Ahead Scratch Time Pace
Iain 00:00:30 00:16:01 00:15:31 00:05:00
Alan 00:02:25 00:16:14 00:00:13 00:13:49 00:04:27
Andy G 00:04:00 00:16:18 00:00:04 00:12:18 00:03:58
Magnus 00:03:30 00:16:20 00:00:02 00:12:50 00:04:08
Craig W 00:03:50 00:16:39 00:00:19 00:12:49 00:04:08
Katie 00:00:30 00:16:41 00:00:02 00:16:11 00:05:13
Kenny 00:03:30 00:16:42 00:00:01 00:13:12 00:04:15
Robert 00:00:30 00:16:45 00:00:03 00:16:15 00:05:15
Ruth 00:04:20 00:17:04 00:00:19 00:12:44 00:04:06

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