Monday, 2 April 2018

Club senior members 'ideas' get together, Fri 20th or Thurs 26th April

One thing that came up at the recent AGM is that it would be really good to have a meeting to discuss ideas for the senior membership of the club to allow it to develop. Lucy has very kindly offered to chair the session and hold it at her house, and has written the following invitation:

Beers & Ideas: club planning session
Moorfoots runs on the enthusiasm and commitment of a few dedicated souls. Time to get stuck in and have a say on how you think the club can continue to improve, what new things you’d like to see (social as well as training) and how you might get involved. Lucy is hosting an open house at:

Whinnyknowe, Glen Road, Peebles EH45 9JF
from 7-9.30pm in April  either on Friday 20th or Thursday 26th.
Please use the doodle poll to indicate if you can make either date
All you need to do is come armed with a) ideas & enthusiasm and b) a liquid refreshment of your choice.

The club is only as good as its members so get your hoodies and your thinking caps on and come along. Those who decline will have the dogs set on them : ))

The sort of things we may discuss are, club runs at weekend, social events,  weekends away either racing or just running, regular training sessions during the week (as well as the Tuesdays), with the new parkrun announced in Peebles how can we get more members, and anything else that comes to mind
We look forward to seeing you soon

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