Sunday, 27 October 2019

London Marathon - One Guaranteed Place to be allocated

The London Marathon is probably the premier mass participation running event in Britain and a real experience for anyone who has taken part.
Image result for london marathon
As a British Athletics affiliated club Moorfoot Runners get one guaranteed entry to the London Marathon each year. The club has a policy for the fair allocation of the place as explained in a blog post in May
The following factors are considered:
> Have they been a member for more than 12 months
> Have they been not been awarded the club place in the previous 2 years
> Have they unsuccessfully tried to enter via the ballot and were not eligible for a ‘good for age’ place when that entry was open.
Club secretaries must submit an application for the London Marathon place therefore if you would like to be considered for the Moorfoot entry please email Pete Hall
by end of Monday 4th November

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