Sunday, 12 May 2024

Club Champs - Update No 2 - Sunday 12th May

Club Champs Update - No2


It's been a busy week in the Club Champs with everyone in the top 13 picking up points.


Carol Moss continues to set the pace, with a fantastic club record setting, 10k age graded Time Trial on Thursday evening, to take her tally to 75 points.


Gillian Carr moves up to second place with 55 points after the Leed's Half this weekend, claiming 3rd in FV40 and also doing Crighton Park Run en-route to Leeds.


Andrew Fish is in 3rd place with 40 points, very quietly volunteering, doing some Park Runs as well as a great 10k at Penicuik.


4th place is shared by 5 people all on 35 points: Jen Misak claimed 2nd FV40 at Stag to Hind to boost her score, Alex Campbell had a great run at Penicuik showing no ill effects after her virtual London Marathon, Coreen McGovern claimed 1st FV50 at Stag to Hind and then followed that up with Penicuik 10k, Kerry Law volunteered at the TT and did Penicuik and Dean Carr, like Gillian did Crighton PR & Leeds-half.


In joint 9th on 30 points are Tim Warner & Fee Hodgkiss who both pulled-off two 10ks in 3 days to boost their scores and Kiri Langmead who claimed 1st FV40 at Penicuik to move up the leader board.


Notable mentions also for Mike Goddard who had a great time trial, Mike McGovern who opened his account with 3rd in MV50 at Stag to Hind, Sarah Bruthe who battled the heat at Penicuik, Dorien Kimenai for her Stuc a Chroin hill race, showing in true Dutch style that half-marathons don't have to be flat folks! Sam Lydon & Brian Smith had great 10k TTs and finally, really good to see Robert Wilson back racing again after being out for 15 months & putting in a great time at Penicuik.


Just a reminder that Club Champs medals are up for grabs for anyone reaching 125 points over the season. With 6 weeks down and 27 still to go, anything above 20 points at this stage is probably "on track".


More racing over the next two weeks with Gypsy Glen on Wednesday, Balerno Rigg (about 10k) the following Monday and then for the Bank Holiday Weekend there is Stornoway Half, Wobbly Bridge and a number of folk taking on events in the Edinburgh Marathon Festival. 

Link to full spreadsheet:


As always, any errors or omissions, Park Runs or indeed any races of note =>

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